Invisalign in Goldsboro, NC

Whether you are an adolescent or an adult, you can straighten your permanent teeth for a healthy beautiful smile. While traditional braces make it difficult to eat certain foods or properly clean your teeth, Invisalign braces are both easy and convenient. Invisalign braces are a series of clear retainers that can give you an even smile without the pain and discomfort of metal braces. The clear aligners are practically invisible, so no one will know that you are wearing braces. The aligners can be removed for activities such as eating or dental hygiene. Carlyle Dental offers Invisalign to residents of Goldsboro, NC.

Make It Easy With Invisalign

If you live in the Goldsboro, NC, area and are interested in Invisalign, give us a call today to schedule an appointment. During your first appointment, the dentist will take impressions of your natural teeth so that aligners can be made to fit you. When you receive your new aligners, you simply insert it into your mouth like a retainer. As your teeth begin to realign, you will graduate to new aligners until your teeth are in their proper positions. Invisalign is a great opportunity to get the teeth you have always wanted without heavy, metal braces.

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