Invisalign in Ayden, NC

Carlyle Dental proudly offers Invisalign, an alternative to traditional braces, to the residents of Ayden, NC. Traditional braces are complex dental appliances that correct many dental concerns, including overbites, crooked teeth, and gaps between the teeth. Traditional braces are difficult to clean and require patients to avoid certain foods.

Invisalign Aligners from Carlyle Dental

Invisalign aligners are clear plastic aligners that work like traditional braces but with greater comfort and no food restrictions. When you choose Invisalign aligners, the dentist takes impressions, or molds, of your mouth. These impressions are sent to a special lab where your Invisalign aligners are made. You wear each aligner for two weeks and then replace it with the next aligner in the sequence. The treatment period for Invisalign aligners is typically two years, the same time period as traditional braces.

Greater Comfort, Easier to Clean and No Food Restrictions

Invisalign aligners are made of smooth plastic, so no wires or brackets will irritate your mouth and cheeks. The Invisalign aligners are easy to remove each day, so you can brush and floss your teeth and clean the aligner. Traditional braces require patients to avoid hard, sticky foods, such as popcorn and candy; with Invisalign aligners, you can continue to enjoy your favorite foods without the worry of breaking a wire or bracket.

If you live in the Ayden, NC area and would like more information about Invisalign aligners, please call Carlyle Dental.

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