Why does your dentist always talk about avoiding candy and sugary drinks? You are born with one set of teeth, and at Carlyle Dentistry, we want you to keep those chompers for your entire life.
Acid is the Enemy of Your Tooth Enamel
Acids found in sugary and sticky foods eat away at the hard enamel of teeth. This process, over time, can lead to cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. While enamel is a very hard surface, harder than steel – acid is a persistent enemy.
What foods are high in acid?
The easiest targets are carbonated beverages, which often add citric acid to give them a zing of flavor. Processed sugar found in candies, cookies, and cake also rapidly turns into acid. However, acid also naturally occurs in oranges and fresh berries. The starches in potatoes, pasta, and rice quickly break down into acids as your saliva starts to digest them.
What kind of foods help to get rid of acid and protect your teeth?
High-fiber foods like whole grains, leafy green vegetables, and nuts work with your body’s natural defenses to minimize acid in your mouth. The tough fibers require you to chew to break them down. This activates your saliva, which works to chemically break down the acids left behind by starches. The fibrous foods also rub against your teeth, which supports the process.
Sugar-free gum is also a good after-dinner option as it keeps the saliva flowing. Any food that encourages you to keep chewing is good for your mouth.
Why are dairy products good for your teeth?
Your teeth and enamel are built out of calcium. Most dairy, such as cheese, milk, and yogurt, are packed with calcium and nutrients required to maintain good calcium levels so you keep your strong bones and teeth.
While dairy products do have some natural sugars, they are not the starchy and sticky sugars that glue themselves to your teeth. Dairy products generally leave the mouth quickly.
What are the best foods to support good dental health.
As with any well-balanced diet, the foods that help you maintain strong teeth are natural and minimally processed. Look for recipes that include:
- Leafy greens like broccoli, spinach, cabbage, and leaf lettuce.
- Nuts like almonds and cashews.
- Low-sugar dairy products, including whole milk, greek yogurt, and cheddar cheese.
- Tofu
- Whole grain cereals like granola, oatmeal, and shredded wheat.
- Lean meats like chicken breast and steak.
- Whole fruits, including the skin of apples, grapes, and cherries.
- Seafoods like salmon, crab, and halibut are high in Vitamin D, which helps your body to process calcium.
Don’t Forget to Brush!
While you chew your way through a healthy meal, some food particles and acids will stay behind and start to attack your enamel. As always, brushing two to three times a day works to get rid of those bits and support better oral health.
Do you have healthy enamel?
Has it been a while since you last visited your dentist in North Carolina? If it’s time for a check-up, give us a click or call at Carlyle Dentistry in Kinston to schedule an appointment today.